Min y Môr Hotel

Barmouth Promenade, Barmouth, Gwynedd, LL42 1HW

Retail Phone Number Phone Number icon for Snowdonia retail page 01341 280555

Retail Email Email icon for Snowdonia retail page info@minymor.com

Retail Screen Screen icon for Snowdonia retail page https://www.minymor.com/

The Min y Môr Hotel is a seafront hotel, restaurant, bar and beer garden in Barmouth, offering the perfect base to escape and unwind, whether you want to relax, explore the sights, eat and drink, cycle or walk. As well as bed and breakfast, Min y Môr Hotel also offers a bar, restaurant and beer garden, so if you are looking for complete relaxation you do not need to leave the site. The full menu includes a good selection of vegetarian and fish options.
