Dragon Theatre and Barmouth Community Centre

Jubilee Road, Barmouth, Gwynedd, LL42 1EF

Retail Phone Number Phone Number icon for Snowdonia retail page 01341 281697

Retail Email Email icon for Snowdonia retail page info@dragontheatre.co.uk

Retail Screen Screen icon for Snowdonia retail page http://www.dragontheatre.co.uk

Retail Book Direct Icon for Snowdonia retail page Book Direct

Situated in the centre of Barmouth on the west coast of Snowdonia, this imposing, converted Victorian chapel houses a 186-seat traditional theatre auditorium, plus several other function and community meeting rooms including a second, studio stage, for cabaret-style performances. The building is lovingly run and maintained by a small team of paid staff and many hard-working volunteers.


  • Public transport nearby
  • Wales Coast Path circular route nearby
  • Wales Coast Path nearby