Sheeps And Leeks

12 Eastgate Street, Caernarfon, Gwynedd, LL55 1AG

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Sheeps and Leeks, in Caernarfon, is an unassuming restaurant with a seating capacity of 20, providing guests with an unforgettable dining experience, featuring well-balanced tasting menus served in a laid-back, informal atmosphere.

The restaurant takes immense pride in championing the best produce from the local area, working closely with artisanal producers to source top-quality ingredients for both food and drink. The set tasting menu is 100% seasonally based, continually evolving with the changing seasons to showcase the freshest, most flavourful ingredients available.

Since opening in 2019, Sheeps And Leeks has achieved significant recognition in the culinary world - included in the MICHELIN Guide and The Good Food Guide and winning the ‘Restaurant of the Year North’ category at the Food Awards Wales 2023.


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