Y Garth

Plas Talgarth Health and Leisure Resort, Pennal, Gwynedd, SY20 9JY

Retail Phone Number Phone Number icon for Snowdonia retail page 01654 791394

Retail Email Email icon for Snowdonia retail page ygarthpennal@gmail.com

Retail Screen Screen icon for Snowdonia retail page http://www.y-garth-pennal.co.uk

Y Garth is a Bar, Restaurant and Conference Business located at Pennal, between the coastal village of Aberdyfi and the market town of Machynlleth. It takes its name from the family resort of Macdonald Plas Talgarth Health & Leisure Club in which it is situated. Y Garth and Macdonald Plas Talgarth Health & Leisure Club welcomes residents and non-residents alike and the facilities of the award winning resort are open to all.



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