Xscape Rooms Bangor

Council Offices, Ffordd Gwynedd, Bangor, Gwynedd, LL57 1DT

Retail Phone Number Phone Number icon for Snowdonia retail page 01248 565346

Retail Email Email icon for Snowdonia retail page escape@xscapebangor.co.uk

Retail Screen Screen icon for Snowdonia retail page https://xscapebangor.co.uk/

Retail Book Direct Icon for Snowdonia retail page Book Direct

Work as a team to beat mental and physical challenges in immersive themed rooms, the ultimate test of teamwork and puzzle-solving and a perfect gift for Birthdays and Christmas. If you want to experience the exciting adventure with your family and friends, or if you are a hobby detective or just bored and looking for new challenges, there are XscapeRooms for every taste! Bring your team to Xscape Rooms Bangor and boost morale while also learning valuable lessons in communication, organisation, and critical thinking, an ideal corporate event to build the team spirit in your company.